Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hebron Presbyterian Church

Today we worshiped at Hebron Presbyterian Church, 1767 Route 30, Clinton, PA 15026, 724.899.2276,, Rev. George L. Leitze, Interim Pastor.

Bob’s thoughts:

We were led again today, this time to Hebron Presbyterian Church. The church has the look of a modern building with muted blue classical stained glass in the Sanctuary. We found good but somewhat misleading signage: the restrooms are identified and signage indicating additional restrooms upstairs or down, but are single capacity.

There was a screen with announcements before the service, but it was not used at all during the service. The Prelude and music throughout was exceptional, and the anthem was very impressive. Also a good age mix to the choir, and some smiled – they loved worshiping in song.

Though the bulletin had a lot of inserts, I still thought it was easy to use. There is an atrium-type feel to the entrance, welcoming even with stairs. Some of the little things that make me smile were there – the large cross, and the Offering taken in response to the Word, and one of the warmest welcomes we have received. There was intentionality to the greetings before and after the service, even to the woman who inquired as to our lunch plans after.

They refer to themselves in the bulletin as “a lively country church.” There were a number of children in worship and I understand this was less than usual.

The sermon, “Defying Reason” was Christ in a nutshell. To come and sacrifice His life for a bunch of worthless sinners, the love story of Christ. A love that transcends reason, thanks be to God.

There are some good things at Hebron that could be great. We had the opportunity to donate to a mission to provide Pack & Play units for an East Liberty Health Care Center, and there is a good involvement with Angel Tree and a food pantry. There is also an impressive prayer ministry going on.

From what I could discern, they are missing the amazing blessing of tithing. The opportunity is there to worship God with His tithe and your offering, and you will be overwhelmed by the blessings. You can not out-give God, but please try.

Jan’s thoughts:

Again today we ended up at a church we did not set out to attend, but I must believe we were where God wanted us nonetheless.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that the Interim Pastor at this church was a gentleman with whom I had served on Pittsburgh Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry some years ago.

This is a small-ish country church, very well maintained inside and out. Well-coordinated woodwork, delightful stained glass windows, with a different, offset Chancel, and great signage. We had no trouble finding anything here, as many of the signs stuck out from the walls. Downstairs there were signs specifically stating that the restrooms were upstairs, so someone was thinking like a visitor.

The bulletin was well laid-out and easy to read. The people were extremely friendly: easily half the congregation greeted us before and after worship, and it felt unforced and genuine. One woman noticed Bob’s Marine Corps shirt and thanked him for his service. Many people who extend gratitude to a veteran have no idea how much that means, especially to someone who served in Vietnam.

The Children’s Time brought to the front probably 15 young ones (which we were told was down from the usual 20 or more!). In talking about lighting the Advent Candle of Love this morning, this time seemed at first to morph into a Minute for Mission, but further explanation made me realize it was more of a “hands-on” lesson in the meaning of love: the congregation is collecting funds to purchase 50 Pack & Plays for children in need. I was very touched, both for the mission itself and for the lessons taught to the children in giving and loving.

The music was very well done, and it was a joy to both watch and listen to the choir’s untitled anthem. It was upbeat, and the joy was apparent.

The sermon was titled “Defying Reason” and was based on Isaiah 63:7-9 and I John 3:11-18. The moment I read the title I felt God speaking to me with the resolution to an issue with which I was dealing. And when I heard the pastor say that “love transcends reason and sense,” the resolution to my issue was clear. By the end of the service my heart echoed the pastor’s words when he prayed that God would “help us to be unreasonable.”

I’ve been struggling to decide whether or not to take certain steps that would enhance the view some others have of me or to forego those steps and depend instead on God’s provision. This sermon forced me to remember that depending on God is the better choice.

I doubt anyone else heard this sermon the way I did, but that’s often the beauty of God’s Word in worship – the Holy Spirit helps us hear what our Heavenly Father knows we need to hear, which is usually different from what everyone else present needs to hear. And it’s reassuring to be shown once again that He knows me – and each of us – individually and perfectly. What a magnificent God we serve!

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