Sunday, January 12, 2014


Today we stayed home.

Bob’s thoughts:

As concerned as I am about my wife’s health (more on that later), I enjoy writing when we stay home, without concern at sounding overly critical of a specific church.

After we visit a church there are things we try to draw attention to by way of the blog or a note to the pastor. Often there is a point I would like to discuss that has nothing to do with where we are worshiping or directed toward any church in particular, because it is often applicable to any number of churches.

I was thinking this morning how concerned I am for Jan’s health with these cold-type symptoms that don’t go away. We all actively seek relief for our loved ones’ physical ailments, but do we feel the same concern for their spiritual condition? We care about our family’s salvation…what about our church family?

I have spoken with many who have accepted Christ as Savior but who struggle to acknowledge Him as Lord of their lives. How do we talk about Christ when we work, play, or pray? There is nothing and no one greater in our lives than Jesus Christ; why is He hard to talk about?

Only two friends come to mind who didn’t really want me to talk about Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit they now quote Scripture better than I. What’s to lose except their souls?

Your witness doesn’t have to be loud, you don’t need to be a Bible scholar. Just tell your story, and watch what Christ can do with your witness.

Our prayer for Your Church:

Lord, encourage us all to go boldly in Your name. Help us when we are less than what we can and should be for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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