Bob’s thoughts:
Sometimes when I tell people that our drive for worship was like today’s 80 mile trip, they sort of glaze over. Mentally we are stuck in the memory of the neighborhood church that we could walk to.
We arrived extra early, but did not feel comfortable exploring downstairs with a Sunday School class in progress. We sat and read undisturbed for almost an hour. More than one person commented later that there were a number of visitors today. We were greeted in the Passing of the Peace of Christ and after the service.
I saw no signage, even to identify the restroom. The Sanctuary has a dropped ceiling and fans and there was a box fan in the rear that helped make it bearable. Since my heart surgery I do not handle high humidity well, so I was grateful for any breeze.
I thought it convenient that the responsive readings and hymns were projected on the large screen. The “God is good all the time” and then the reverse has become such a trite and automatic response it’s hard to believe anyone is paying attention to what they are saying. I appreciated the time allotted for Silent Confession.
The sermon spoke of testing the spirits, discerning which spirit’s leading we should follow, and to love each other not just with words.
It was the most unusual Order of Worship, not just that the offering was taken before the Word but that so much of the service came between the Scripture Lesson and the Sermon. It’s just an observation.
Jan’s thoughts:
We arrived about 45 minutes early, giving us time to look around before anyone was aware of our presence. We checked out the literature in the entry way then made our way toward what turned out to a sort of Narthex in the back of the Sanctuary with almost no wall between the two spaces. The carpet and pew cushions are the same mauve shade and the water color stained glass windows contained a surprising pattern of jewel-colored inserts.
Conveniently, a rest room is situated right outside the Sanctuary and straight in from the one entry door.
In spite of the adult Sunday School class in session downstairs we thought we might look around some without disturbing anyone. Unfortunately, when we got down the steps there was nowhere to go except into the room occupied room, so we headed back upstairs. About halfway up, however, a woman came to the bottom of the steps asking if she could help us. We thanked her and explained we were just looking around, at which point she smiled, said okay, and returned to her class without engaging us in conversation.
We sat in two very comfortable chairs in the Narthex and read a copy of the newsletter and some other literature. A few people said hello from a distance but no introductions were made until after the service at which point several people greeted us, shook our hands, and extended a welcome.
The service was very traditional except that, in addition to the printed bulletin, the Order of Worship was also displayed on the screen. The music was traditional and well done. The Time of Silent Reflection was a good length of time.
The Sermon, “Testing the Spirit: Is There Such a Thing as Truth?” was based on I John 4:1-6. It was brief and to the point: truth does exist…do not fear, but stand firm in the truth…God continues to redeem His creation. I especially appreciated the reminder to test the spirits. That thought gets lost in the day-to-dayness at times, which can only aid Satan in his schemes.