Sunday, April 18, 2010

Christ Still Makes House Calls

Bob's thoughts -

I am always amazed how sometimes my most spiritual moments come when I think I am missing something not being in church. We need to be prepared for how He will use us at all times. It was a good day even beyond the grandchildren.

Jan's thoughts -

Our grandchildren (4 ½, 2 ½, and 8 months) came for a visit this weekend, and brought their parents along. It was a wonderful weekend, but we’ve learned that grandparenting is a contact sport and can tire one out more quickly than parenting. (I’m sure age has nothing to do with it, right?) Consequently we stayed home and listened to various sermons on the computer, relaxing, thanking God for His blessings in our lives, and getting rested for the week ahead.

1 comment:

JNP said...

And those grandchildren & the parents they brought with them thank you both for your time spent with them all. :) Love you guys!