On Easter Sunday we worshiped at Concord Presbyterian Church, 2832 Conway Wallrose Road, Baden, PA 15005, 724.869.9135, www.concordchurch.org, Rev. J. Harper Brady, Pastor.
Bob’s thoughts:
When we say we chose to worship somewhere, I believe it is a lot less of our choosing but truly our being guided by the Holy Spirit. Today He led us to Concord for a Spirit-filled Easter worship.
The chancel was decorated with only white lilies with pots wrapped in white paper. The Gospel reading was from Matthew, but it brought to mind, I believe, from John’s account “that when it was still dark” they went to the tomb, that when we are in our darkest time we can still come to Christ.
The Prayer of Confession was read in the closest to complete unity that I have ever heard. It gave the impression of a greater unity than I sensed was there.
The sermon was on the importance of the resurrection over all else: If Christ is raised, nothing else matters. If Christ is not raised, nothing matters. But for us it has a special meaning: Jesus lives so our son lives. I believe with all my heart and soul, I know Jesus lives.
The Elders served Communion silently, but they did serve the pastor, an act missing in many churches.
The service closed with a wonderful rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus.
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