Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bridgewater Presbyterian Church

Today we worshiped at Bridgewater Presbyterian Church, 408 Bridge Street, Bridgewater, PA 15009, 724.774.1454, Dr. William H. Silver, Pastor.

Bob’s thoughts:

Today we found ourselves back at Bridgewater. At our last visit I didn’t have time to talk to the Pastor, who is a Marine. It was interesting to talk to someone who was shaped for the ministry by his service in Vietnam. I thought I was a Christian when I was there, but I now realize I didn’t really know Christ. In hindsight I see where God was at work even then preparing to claim me.

I remember this church having a good mission project, the “Heifer Program,” and I was hoping to add my bag of change but couldn’t find a place to do that.

They have a large paved parking lot since we were last there. We were warmly welcomed when we came in and the Pastor quickly introduced himself to us. He told us how the church was blessed at Christmas when the ceiling of their downstairs hall collapsed while no one was in the building.

I was so pleased to see a large wooden cross. I didn’t realize how much I missed seeing a cross in worship.

The bass notes from the organ sounded odd at first, but it evened out after a bit.

I was encouraged by the theology and understanding expressed in prayer. I think there is a good grasp of how Christ taught us to pray.

The sermon wove around our short time on Earth, and making the most of the opportunities we are presented with. The strong point for me was to praise God always, whatever the circumstances.

Communion elements were served silently and the Pastor was served by an Elder.

Jan’s thoughts:

This was our second visit to this small, family-like church. We were impressed to see the fruits of their labors in the parking lot: there are now significantly more parking spaces, and it looks beautiful.

The people were friendly, and they all seemed caring and attentive to each other.

The congregation is currently facing a building issue as the downstairs ceiling collapsed in the very early morning hours of Christmas Eve. (A huge blessing is that no one was present.) A Professional Engineer has determined that the building is structurally sound and they are now looking into the necessary repairs. Interestingly, this seems to have brought the members closer together.

I appreciated the Pastor’s often-stated belief that God is still sovereign, even in this new year…something that can be forgotten when the years change. This is a battle I fight at this time of year, and this year I’ve been consciously reminding myself of that same fact – that God is sovereign, even in this new year – so for me it was confirmation of God’s leading to hear the Pastor state this several times this morning.

The sermon was centered on Ephesians 5:15-17. The title said it all – “Our Time on Earth, Making the Most of Every Opportunity.” God is in charge in all times and places. He provides us with opportunities and it is up to us to do our part and make the most of them. I appreciated the positive, encouraging message to start off the New Year.

I was grateful to receive the Sacrament of Communion.

May God bless you abundantly this year!

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