Sunday, January 15, 2012

Memorial Park Church

Today we worshiped at Memorial Park Church, 8800 Peebles Road, Allison Park, PA 15101, 412.364.9492,, Rev. Dr. D. Dean Weaver, Senior Pastor.

Bob’s thoughts:

It has been a long time since I was at Memorial Park and I had forgotten what a great sanctuary they have. The stained glass is brilliant, with a large cross in the main panel.

There seemed to be attention to signage but no direction to the restrooms. I engaged in conversation with a few people, but I suppose with multiple services a guest is hard to notice.

As a visitor it was much appreciated when one of the Associate Pastors stepped to the lectern and introduced himself.

Today we witnessed the ordination and installation of Deacons. I knew I could not stand long enough to lay hands on these disciples, and I missed that.

The sermon, “The Gospel for Dummies,” was simplified down to the basics. The question was raised, “Who are the Jews you preach to?” The message developed smoothly and included a good personal story to bring us to the question, “Can I pray for you?” Thinking back, those are the prayers I remember.

Jan’s thoughts:

This is one of the churches suggested to us recently and it, too, had been on our list. It boasts a huge campus, beautiful facility, and gorgeous stained glass in the sanctuary. Upon entering the building we needed to look for the signage and eventually located it behind a couple of signs on easels. Unfortunately none of the signage we saw indicated the direction to the restrooms, but fortunately the restroom sign protruded from the wall.

There seemed to be lots of everything anyone could possibly want at a church: outside was plenty of parking along with a drop-off area right in front, inside I noticed what looked like a well-staffed nursery, literature and amenities appropriately available, a welcome booth, and halfway back in the very large sanctuary were (presumably) closed-circuit TVs (I don’t know exactly what they’re used for since they were not In use today).

The bulletin is large and user friendly, almost like a mini-newsletter, but quite readable with the Order of Worship all on one side (with the exception of the constitutional questions posed to those being ordained and/or installed as Elders and Deacons).

We were treated to the Women’s Trio singing “More Than Amazing” and accompaniment of many songs by the Memorial Park Brass, and both had great sounds.

The ordination/installation of the Deacons took place at the 9:15 service, which we attended, and the Elders were ordained/installed at the 11:00 service. In the course of the ceremony it was mentioned that 35 Deacons comprise Memorial Park’s Board.

The Sermon was centered on Romans 1:1-17 and was the first part of a series called What Every Follower of Jesus Needs to Know “The Gospel for Dummies.” It was clearly the beginning of this series, explaining many of the basics in the introduction of this theological book.

Just about the time I found myself wondering when he would get to the application, he told a story about breakfast with a friend who modeled the two questions it takes to start a conversation about church with a virtual stranger: 1 – “How can I pray for you?” followed immediately by doing just that, and after the prayer, 2 – “Where do you go to church?”

We sat in the pew closest to the back of the sanctuary and near a door. I somehow doubt the women on the other side of that door realized that parts of their animated conversation were overheard.

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