Monday, November 26, 2018


We both succumbed to a stubborn, worship-disrupting cough/cold, so rather than share it, we opted to stay home. We pray that you have been connected and blessed.

I have friends who seem obsessed with the weather, constantly checking the latest information from multiple sources. I notice when I state my narrow concern, “Is it going to rain?” the response is always the same: “Let’s check.” Perhaps it is better, more up-to-date, maybe just a chance to look at the Weather app, but it gives me pause to think.

People are always quick to quote biblical directives, whether or not they are actually from the Bible. This help is given freely and authoritatively (gospel, if you will), but not enough to check/quote the chapter and verse.

If we don’t look at the word of God, what are we citing? Are we helping or leading astray? Maybe we all need to check the app and witness for Him, making sure we are using His words.

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