Monday, November 12, 2018

New Life Christian Ministries

Yesterday we worshiped at New Life Christian Ministries, 139 Knoch Road, Saxonburg, PA 16056, 724.524.1547, Dr. Chris Marshall, Lead Pastor.

Scripture – ESV

Proverbs 18:24 –

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 27:6 –

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

Proverbs 27:10 –

Do not forsake your friend and your father's friend, and do not go to your brother's house in the day of your calamity. Better is a neighbor who is near than a brother who is far away.

Bob’s thoughts:

Sometimes we are blessed to see God’s orchestration to get a message through to us.

I recently went to the VA to get my hearing aid repaired and, as usual, steered the conversation to Christ and our church visits. The church we talked about sounded familiar, and today, needing an early service, we came to take a look.

I don’t always remember a church, but this one was familiar right away. We first worshiped here the second week they were in this location and God has blessed them in growing His church.

I was lamenting the loss of the large cross that was on the wall until I looked up and saw the cross toward the ceiling.

We were greeted and some thanked me for my service, including a time later in worship. I was surprised that only once did the laser lights shine on the congregation. There were patterns projected on the ceiling and overhead cross. The volume was good and I liked the harmony and lead singers. The three screens made it easy to see, even when I had to sit down.

Christ’s message for me personally came through when I read the title of the pastor’s sermon, Necessary Endings: Friends. When Christ claimed me, I had a lot of friends and they all went away. I lamented the loss till I realized Who was doing the pruning.

I have been cleansed in that regard but have a lot of things weighing me down. After a few deaths in the family I received a lot of tools and other things. It wasn’t long before I realized they were more of a burden than a blessing. Many truckloads went away at that time, but now I’m sure it’s time to do it again. I worked in many fields and created artistically in mixed medium, but I know He will lead me through in prayer. I’m looking forward to where I’ll be next, and who I’ll be.

Jan’s thoughts:

Bob met someone from this church so we visited at her invitation, also because we sought an early service and they have one at 8:30 in addition to Sunday services at 10 and 11:30 and one Saturday evening at 6:30.

We last visited this church four years ago, and last week they dedicated a recently completed expansion. There seems to be a great deal going on here. The signage was helpful, as was the coffee, and the service began shortly after we found our seats.

Three projection screens in the front made it easy to see what was going on even from the very back.

The stage was lit with spotlights, which gratefully did not wander into the seats. The cross that was on the wall at our last visit had been moved to make room for one of the screens, and it is suspended at an angle above the stage. It was truly striking.

Veterans were recognized and prayed over, which was deeply touching.

The message began a new series based on a book by Dr. Henry Cloud called Necessary Endings. He began with a quote: “Sometimes, in order to thrive, something else must die. Nowhere is that more true than in relationships.” He emphasized his Take Home Point: True friends build us up, but false friends can lead us to destruction.

He pointed out that followers of Christ should approach necessary endings with truth and love, and that they are easier to embrace and execute when you believe something normal is happening.

I appreciated this message and have downloaded the church’s app so I can hear the subsequent parts to this series.

We were grateful for the time given in conversation by both the pastor and Bob’s friend.

Our prayer for this church:
Lord, the growth is impressive, and we pray Your church continues to be a beacon where You have planted them. Amen.

1 comment:

V&C said...

Thank you for the kind words regarding New Life Church. When my husband and I moved from NC, we had a difficult time finding the right church for our family. We happened upon New Life and our lives have forever been changed. We love it here and are thankful that we get to raise our children here.