Sunday, September 13, 2009

Concord Presbyterian Church

Today we worshiped at Concord Presbyterian Church, 2832 Conway-Wallrose Road, Baden, PA 15005, 724.869.9135,, Rev. J. Harper Brady.

Bob’s thoughts:

We made a visit to Concord so that I could thank them for the cards and prayers and to witness that those prayers worked. I also asked for continued prayers for my wife as I am going to be around for a while.

Concord has some of the most caring and loving people of all the churches I have known, and it is always uplifting to be around them.

Jan’s thoughts:

The members of Concord were so very supportive before, during, and after Amber & Dan’s wedding then throughout Bob’s surgery and recovery with their prayers and cards, we wanted to be with them to express our gratitude and provide living proof of God’s answers to their prayers (and those of numerous others!). It was good to be in worship again with this warm and welcoming congregation. I think by now we’re considered friends of Concord, which is a fine.

Many folks greeted us and were glad to see Bob upright(!), and everyone is becoming accustomed to calling our daughter by her new last name.

I did want to comment on the music, specifically the Senior Choir Anthem which today was “In Christ Alone.” Today I was able to understand the words…so powerful, and very well done in spite of being short several voices (I understand). It brought me to tears.

Mostly it was just good to be among friends and family.

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