Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chippewa Evangelical Free Church

Today we worshiped at Chippewa Evangelical Free Church, 239 Braun Road, Beaver Falls, PA 15010, 724.843.6381,, Jeff McNicol, Senior Pastor.

Bob’s thoughts:

We were greeted and welcomed at the door. I remembered that there was good signage, but I had one problem today. We followed the directional sign near the coffee area in seeking restrooms, but could only find the women’s. When I did find other restrooms the deodorizer was so strong my eyes burned.

My memory was that I couldn’t find a cross: today there was a large wooden cross, although it was obscured.

The service started with a good prayer followed by a well-done choral presentation. We got to witness two baptisms with Statements of Faith.

A pastor once told me how he would sit in the first pew in a contemporary worship service and was always surprised how many worshipers came in after he sat down. I have noticed this at most contemporary worship services as well as today’s.

The sermon was part of an interesting series on the tenets of the church. The congregation is called to examine what they say they believe. As Christians we are encouraged to question everything about our faith. I think too often we intone our creeds without a thought as to what it is we say we believe, so I felt this was a divinely inspired series.

During this message I heard Christ question the heart of my faith walk, and I am looking forward to where He leads me next.

This seems like a good healthy church with a good mix of internal and outward mission. Personally I was pleased that the offering was taken in response to the Word.

One odd observation – out of 20-some aisle seats I noticed all but one were males. I think the men must be getting fed.

Jan’s thoughts:

We visited this church once before, almost three years ago. It is sprawling, spacious, well-cared-for, modern, welcoming, and boasts great signage and numerous thoughtful touches throughout.

The people we encountered were friendly, but with five services I tend to think it could be easy to remain anonymous. However there seems to be intentionality about connecting people and helping them get plugged into the many ministry and study opportunities.

The music was very well done, and I enjoyed the first song which was offered by five men and four women. Unfortunately I have no idea of the title of the song.

We were privileged to witness two adult baptisms by full immersion following the persons’ oral testimony.

The sermon was part of a series called “Beyond Belief – When Truth Takes Action” and this installment was entitled “We Act through Obedience.”

I believe there was more Scripture (14 references!) quoted in this sermon than in any other sermon I have ever heard. The message was important: we need to be what we say we are. If we say we are believers, we must act like believers. Our faith must extend to and through our everyday lives. And there should be accountability…a timely point this week.

This 10-part sermon series examines each of the revised statements in the newly-adopted Evangelical Free Church Statement of Faith, and this church will meet in December to consider and vote on adopting this Statement of Faith. I appreciated being able to read what the EFCA believes and found I was in agreement with every point.

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