The church gathers in a school building, and although we had some trouble figuring out which one, when we did choose one, we found a sign outside the entrance. Visitors may be helped with a few external signs.
We were warmly welcomed and able to get directions to the restrooms which again could be helped with a sign on Sundays.
There was a nice mix of youth to gray hairs in attendance. We were sitting too far back to tell if the congregation was singing, but if it wasn’t for the words on the screen I would not have been able to figure out what we were singing. After the first few songs I was able to understand the male lead singer.
I thought the prayers were heartfelt but could not find a cross anywhere.
The sermon, “Supernatural Born Killer,” wove around our need to kill off the sin in our lives, and I felt Christ was using the pastor to bring a personal message to me.
The confession of your struggle with the temptations of sin is one of the easiest segues to witness for Him. When I talk of who I was before Christ claimed me, people can relate to similar trials they are facing.
My motto used to be “Shoot them all and let God sort them out,” and maybe in regard to sin it’s a good plan. My current approach to sin is more like, “Sin shot, survivors shot again.” The Devil will bring the temptation back; like a bad horror movie it keeps coming back.
This is an extremely new church plant, having just started up last October, which meets for worship in the auditorium of Marshall Middle School. Since we came in from the back road we missed the directional signs, but we were grateful for the sign we saw outside the door or we would certainly have been lost on this sprawling campus.
The people were very friendly, greeting us and introducing themselves before and during worship. They took time to chat prior to the service and gave us a brief description of their story. At this point in their history, this space seems perfect for them.
A display table outside the auditorium contains printed information about the church and the small groups as well as Bibles which anyone needing one was invited to take and keep.
An effective starter I’ve seen in several churches recently is the countdown clock displayed on the screen.
Worship began with lots of music which was well done, although I only knew a couple of the songs.
There seemed to be plenty of children and plenty of care and teaching for them.
Small groups are an important part of this congregation and everyone was strongly encouraged to join one of the five that are available.
I had to chuckle…when it was time for the offering the pastor quoted the Scripture which said that “God loves a cheerful giver,” then went on to say that it was time for the offering and everyone hooted and cheered!
The sermon series is working through the book of Colossians, and I appreciated the paragraph at the top of the sermon notes page which recapped the major points up till today. The sermon, “Supernatural Born Killer,” was based on Colossians 3:5-11 and revolved around the universal struggle with sin in our lives. It stressed the nature of sin and our dependence upon faith in Christ alone for salvation.
He was very much a “lay-it-on-the-line” preacher. He pulled no punches and gave no quarter, but was strong enough to be vulnerable. The statement I liked the best was that “If your faith hasn’t changed you, your faith hasn’t saved you.”
And he pointed out the importance of compassion for the unsaved, asking the same question I have asked myself: “Why should we be surprised at the actions of those who don’t know Christ?” He pointed out that they are hungry…we should share what we have.
The final question, “Will you yield and cooperate with the Holy Spirit?” I suppose is the bottom line for each of us. I’m still breathing, so I guess I’m still working on it.