Sunday, November 17, 2013


Today we worshiped at Home

Bob’s thoughts:

Identifying Visitors

We were both recovering from recent illnesses so we stayed home and listened to a message online. It was a great message that caused us both to think. It became a rainy gray day with a lot of good reasons to stay home, but I still missed being in corporate worship.

One benefit of not worshiping at a particular church is that we can blog without risking offending a church.

Because we are constant visitors we think we are easy to spot, but maybe we don’t stand out as much as we think we do. Here are some tips on recognizing visitors:

Some churches have designated parking spaces for visitors – an easy visitor ID. Have someone monitor who parks there.

Visitors will come in the “wrong” door, look at bulletin boards to see what is going on, perhaps wander around the church or look through printed materials. We look at things that members no longer notice: we admire the banners, stained glass, and woodwork. You may find us looking for restrooms or the nursery

We try to be unobtrusive but sometimes accidentally walk in on a Sunday School class or a meeting. If you see someone you don’t recognize walking through an area where you do not usually see strangers, a visitor is probably lost. An offer to escort them to the area they seek is a courtesy that speaks volumes about your church.

Jan’s thoughts:

Due to illnesses we did not want to share, today we listened to a sermon online. Although I always miss corporate worship on days like this, the upside is that we get to hear a message from some time ago at a service we missed, and we always get something from it.

Today I’m still thinking about what we watched on TV last night, as it affected me deeply. Therefore I want to share my written devotion from this morning. I hope you get a blessing from it.

November 17, 2013

Dear God,

Last week we had a coupon for Family Christian Store so we bought the miniseries “The Bible;” and even as we did we wondered when we would find time to watch it. But within the week Bob had a bad cold and I had a cough, so we watched the first 3 hours last night.

It was great! And I was reminded of the importance of reminders. Not only because I was being reminded of Your greatness, Your omniscience, Your grace, mercy, power, and beauty, but as I watched I saw these giants of the faith as they found themselves in situations where they had no answers or solutions, and again and again they reminded themselves and their people of how You had provided and guided in the past: Moses in his confrontations with Pharaoh and again when they were up against the Red Sea; Joshua at Jericho; Abraham prior to Sodom and Gomorrah and at the near-sacrifice of Isaac; Samson at the scene of his demise. They all reminded themselves and others of Your love, faithfulness, and power. Also of their faith in Your goodness.

We need to do this. Too often we fret and pray “Please don’t let this happen; please do this.” How often do we speak like Abraham: “You are a good God… You have always provided… surely You will provide now.”

We need to remember MORE, remind ourselves and others of Your promises and constant faithfulness and unfailing love.

We need to speak well of You instead of the faithless words we tend to use. No wonder our words have so little power – there is so little faith behind them. The words of these biblical giants carried weight and great things happened as a result because their words and hearts were filled with faith in You.

Please continue to help us remember when we lose sight of You Who You are and Whose we are. We belong to the God Who created the universe, Who numbers the hairs of our heads, and Who has good plans for us that cannot be thwarted. May we speak and act like it.

“So he did not do many miracles there because they had no faith.” ~Matthew 13:58

Our prayer for the churches:
Dear Lord, We pray the churches recognize their visitors and welcome them as they would You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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