Sunday, February 8, 2015

East Main Presbyterian Church

Today we worshiped at East Main Presbyterian Church, 120 E. Main Street, Grove City, PA 16127, 724.458.8270,, Rev. Dr. Bill Hoffman, Senior Pastor.

Scripture – Mark 8:27-30 (NIV)

Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?”

They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.”

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

Peter answered, “You are the Messiah.”

Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about him.

Bob’s thoughts:

I enjoyed worshiping at a church that looks like one: handsome cross, prominent stained glass, including the dome, and beautiful banners. Most places the signage was good, though it took some asking to find the restrooms so we were a little late to the service.

The music by the GCC Men’s Glee Club was a delight. These young men were very easy to listen to.

A strong point from the sermon was that “Jesus is the center of every sinner’s longing.” At one point the question was raised about witnessing to those who might be less than receptive, and my note said “Preach it anyhow, it’s the Good News.” I’ve been unsure of a lot of things in life, but Jesus Christ is the one I’m sure of.

There was an adorable baby in the pew in front of us who presented me with a challenge: she seemed more interested in Jan. It’s easy to feel connected to God when there is a baby to watch.

Since the service had started we had little opportunity to talk to many people before worship, but a number of people greeted us afterwards; this is surprising for a church with two services.

Jan’s thoughts:

This stately former PC(USA) church sits directly across the street from Grove City College and was just as I remembered it except with a lot more snow.

As we entered the building and moved into the hallway, I inadvertently stepped in front of an older woman navigating her way to the sanctuary. I apologized but she looked at me and said happily, “We’re all just going to church!” She then made sure I had a bulletin, for which I thanked her as she headed off just full of joy. I couldn’t help but think, I want to be like her when I’m that age. This encounter set the tone for our visit this morning.

The Young Adult Pastor recognized us as visitors and struck up a conversation after which we found seats and joined the service.

The sanctuary is stunning with intricate stained glass covering most of the left wall and a ceiling dome in stained glass. The colorful sparkly banners caught my eye, and it all worked perfectly against the pale-but-rich yellow walls.

What a treat to be there to hear the superb Grove City College Men’s Glee Club!

In the sermon, “The Heart of the Faith,” the pastor mentioned that Mark 8:27 (Jesus’ question “Who do you say that I am?”) is considered to be the center point of Mark’s gospel, and our response to that question is predicated on who we believe Him to be. His main points were:
1 – Jesus the Messiah is at the heart of God’s redeeming work in the world;
2 – Jesus is at the heart of every sinner’s longing for salvation;
3 – The unbelieving world around us knows what Christians are against. Do they know what we are for? (And do they see it as good news?)

Indeed that is the challenge for we who are called to be in the world but not of it: some people may only come to know Jesus by an encounter with a believer. Like Paul, I can only pray for more of Jesus and less of me.

Our prayer for this church:
Father, we pray You continue to bless this church and generously water the seeds they plant as they continue to witness to the young people passing through Grove City College. Amen.

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