Sunday, April 26, 2015

Genesis Church

Today we worshiped at Genesis Church, (mailing address) P.O. Box 1010, Moon Township, PA 15108, (meets in the DoubleTree Hotel, 8402 University Boulevard, Moon Township, PA 15108), 412.264.8665,, Wayne Jackson, Pastor.

Scripture – ESV

Proverbs 12:18 –
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Proverbs 10:19
When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.

Bob’s thoughts:

Today was an interesting day in worship. This church meets in a hotel, so is not encumbered with all the trappings of “our church building.” I think the strongest ministry took place before and after the service, and the service was good.

I was so pleased to find a cross on the chancel; when it is absent I really miss it.

Signage was not an issue since the building is a hotel, but I was confused by the flyer near the entry with start times that did not match what was advertised on the website: we expected: a 10 a.m. from the website and handout, but worship got underway at 10:30. I was glad we were early though as we had some delightful conversations with the minister, congregants, and a pleasant girl and her toy penguin with a broken wing. I’m sure God used these encounters to His glory as we lifted each other up.

A man offered a refreshingly natural and unscripted prayer that sounded like a conversation with God.

I enjoyed the praise team, especially the woman providing the echo.

The pastor brought up an interesting point in his sermon that it is not necessary to take notes as you can listen to the sermon online later and get Scripture references.

I think the mic might have been a little too far from the pastor.

I seldom comment in depth on sermons because when I take too many notes I lose too much of the message. God usually speaks to me on one or two points and today it was “be good at listening first.” I and many others are often waiting to jump in with our comments or opinions instead of really listening. We get caught up in believing there is a word problem when it is really a heart problem. Can we just relax and share God’s love? Can I learn to always speak from my heart?

Jan’s thoughts:

The City Reach church organization is everywhere, it seems, and this church turned out to be another City Reach plant. They gather in a meeting room of the DoubleTree Hotel where they set up their equipment just like any other church sanctuary except they are not saddled with caring for a building. I know this sort of arrangement is not for everyone, but there are definite advantages.

We arrived early and were greeted warmly by two tween-aged girls and several adults as they set up coffee/tea/water, and then engaged in conversation by some other adults as worshipers began arriving. We hit it off with one member and began a conversation before worship and continued the conversation afterward.

The sound of the praise band was pleasant and the volume was perfect. I had a little difficulty reading the white words on the spring green background, but they were certainly sized well.

A young woman who we later learned was the pastor’s daughter spoke about making a mission trip to Louisiana. Upon learning her seatmate on the flight was traveling home due to the death of her father, the young woman asked her seatmate to relay her favorite memories of her father, and I couldn’t help but appreciate the wisdom and compassion she demonstrated in following the urging of the Holy Spirit.

The untitled message centered on the heart problem that exists when our speech is less than gracious and kind. God cares how we speak, and we are known by the fruit of our words. Our words can be nourishing, healing, and saving, and if our words can have that much of an effect, imagine what God’s words can do.

Our prayer for this church:
Lord, we pray this congregation will continue to share Your love with each other and those You guide to their door. Amen.

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