Sunday, June 10, 2018

A Very Little Church

We were extra early for the church we planned to attend and stopped to get a few things at a local grocery store. We checked out with a cashier who had asked me to pray for her and her family. As she updated us, we felt moved to assure her that God would use her situation to achieve His purpose, that He was firmly in control, and this would work out to His glory. Her face reflected her relief and encouragement that He was active in her situation to bring her family closer to Him.

After leaving we were still early, so we stopped for coffee at a restaurant that turned out to be not the best choice on this Sunday morning: by the time we were served and on the road, we had minutes to spare. We arrived only to find they were meeting at a remote church location today. Had we stopped there first, we would have tried driving to that location but as it was, my truck overheated again and we likely would have been stranded far from home.

We sought churches in the area, but this was summer schedule change time and when the truck started to overheat, we headed home with the windows open and heat on full blast.

I need to find a way to replace this vehicle and wait on God to show the way…He has never failed us yet.

We didn’t realize how prophetic Jan’s comment was as we left the grocery store, that “we just had church.” God is amazing.

Lord, we pray for Your little churches that are struggling, that they might feel Your Presence. Amen.

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