Sunday, December 1, 2019

Orchard Hill Church

Today we worshiped at Orchard Hill Church, 107 Staley Avenue, Butler, PA 16001, 724.935.5555,, Brady Randall, Campus Pastor.

Scripture – NIV

John 17:20-26 –
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

“Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.

“Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

1 Corinthians 12:13 –
For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.

Acts 2:44-47 –
All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Bob’s thoughts:

After some confusion over a change in start time, we were led to a service in the same building. Later God’s orchestration of our worship at an Orchard Hill campus was clear.

We were greeted, offered coffee, and escorted to the sanctuary. I was given a card with pictures of 38 beautiful babies who were being baptized or dedicated today amongst the Orchard Hill campuses; we were blessed to be there for one today.

There was a sign language interpreter who did not only the songs but the whole service. A special blessing memory for me, as I was never able to sit through when our daughter signed the Lord’s Prayer.

I wondered if there was a cross behind the full projection screen but didn’t get to check.

The pastor talked of how we have become a divided nation and at a recent community meeting they couldn’t agree on unity.

We were long-time members of a church that had adult coffee hour after the service. Some hot discussions happened around those tables, but everyone went out together in unity as friends. When the church fell apart, they left as enemies, not talking at all.

The pastor told a personal story of trying to rake leaves to burn with the help of his wife and a toddler son with a penchant for jumping in the piles. This reminded me of when our children were young and I went down the street with my truck collecting all the neighbors’ leaves. I placed them in our yard and our children and neighbor kids had a grand time.

The message developed smoothly with supporting Scripture. The highlights were not on screen long enough for me. He mentioned a trip to the Holy Land and after some discussion, being allowed to partake of Communion even though they only served members. I remember an in-depth discussion with a pastor who denied us Communion for not being members. I thought what a welcome for new Christians looking for a church. I always wondered if I changed his mind.

I found the message most appropriate as I watched the pastor’s dual shadows cast by the spotlights come together in unity while he spoke.

I enjoyed the sound of the praise team and the delightful female voice. However, my body parts gave out and I had to sit.

We were blessed to talk to a number of people after the service, including the pastor. I understood God had orchestrated our visit there when we had the privilege to pray over the pastor after worship. I can’t think of a greater joy than to be sent to pray over someone.

Jan’s thoughts:

Our route surprised us, but eventually we arrived where God wanted us. We were headed to another church, but when we got there we learned they share a building with Orchard Hill’s Butler County campus. Not only that, but we were late for the other service and just in time for Orchard Hill, so we went there.

We entered the church as the music began, and after getting a quick cup of coffee, a gentleman escorted us upstairs to the worship area where we found seats in the back.

The praise band leading the music sounded wonderful and the songs were new to me.

We were pleased to be present for a baptism. It’s a joy to witness a family making that commitment and to be reminded of the promises.

I was touched to see a woman standing in the outer aisle translating in American Sign Language.

The pastor’s message was called In the Way of Unity. He began by acknowledging the current divisions within our culture and country, then focused on Christ’s prayer for unity. He stated that “The unity that Jesus is praying for is based on shared life in Christ and common glory in Jesus.”

He said this unity matters to Jesus because He wants the church to be a witness to the watching world and that this unity serves a common purpose to glorify God. The result of this unity is that we experience the indwelling love and presence of Jesus.

I appreciated the Message Notes, as most everything else was not on the screen nearly long enough to copy.

Following worship, we enjoyed our conversations with the pastor and several members and appreciated the gift of John Piper’s Advent Devotional.

Our prayer for this church:
Lord, we pray Your continued blessings on Your church. May they work together in the true unity of Christ and shine Your light to all who walk through the doors. Amen.

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